Milky Way Above Mt. Piños
Lunar Eclipse, Bakersfield, CA
The Stars' and Trees' Sweet Co-operation
Bakersfield Moon
Milky Way Above Arvin, CA
Milky Way Above Owens Valley, Pearsonville, CA
Milky Way Above Mt. Piños
3 Hour Exposure on 4x5 Fuji Across 100
Milky Way Above Arvin, CA
Milky Way Above Kern Canyon, Lake Isabella, CA
Starscape Above Mono Lake
Starscape Above Mt. Piños
Starscape Above Alabama Hills, CA
Starscape Above Trona Pinancles on 4x5 Fuji Veliva 100
Frazier Park, CA
Baby Owl in Arvin, CA
4x5 Velvia 100 taken in Santa Clarita, CA
4x5 Velvia 100 taken in Santa Clarita, CA
Morro Bay, CA
Trona Pinnacles, CA
Devil's Golf Course, Death Valley, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Paso Robles, CA
Red Rock State Park, CA
Oceano Dunes, CA
Rodeo Beach, CA
Rodeo Beach, CA
Rodeo Beach, CA
Red Rock State Park, CA
Kelso Sand Dune, CA
Kelso Sand Dune, CA
4x5 Ektar 100 - Tehachapi, CA
Bay Bridge, San Francisco, CA
Rodeo Beach, CA
Guadalupe Rd.
Saugus To The Sea
Saugus To The Sea